Our Voice Blog
Survivor Voices: A Reminder of What’s At Stake
When I first heard that Roe V. Wade had been overturned, I immediately thought back to conversations with people who assured me this would never happen. Well, we are here.
My Life My Choice Highlighted in National Case Studies
Recent case studies by the U.S. Office of Health and Human Services spotlighting our innovative delivery models and collaborations.
Black People, A Poem by Charel Murrell
In honor of Black History Month, Charel Murrell, a Survivor Leader at My Life My Choice, wrote a poem. Her spoken word moved our entire team, and she has graciously given us permission to share it.
Seeds of Hope
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. We know that action speaks louder than just awareness, so this month we have been sharing ways our community can take action. One of the best ways our allies can be most effective is to listen to survivors.
A Personal Appeal from a Survivor Mentor
“Each time you give, you are contributing to a young person’s path towards finding liberation.”
How Mentoring Begins at My Life My Choice
“Sharing our experiences as fellow survivors shows the youth that they are not alone, and can reassure them that there are people in the world who understand them without judgement.”
Volunteer Testimony: Laura
"Volunteering with My Life My Choice has been an experience that I hope everyone who has a vision for a world where no child is bought or sold gets to experience."
One More Thing to Be Grateful For: Announcing a New, Permanent Home for My Life My Choice
This year, we have one more thing to be grateful for, and without our community and its commitment to making the fight against the commercial sexual exploitation of children an urgent priority, it would not have been possible. We are unbelievably excited to share that in early 2022, My Life My Choice will be moving into a new, permanent home in Boston’s Back Bay.
What Does PRIDE Mean To You?
Last year, 38% of the youth served in our Mentoring Program identified as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. LGBTQIA+ are at increased risk for CSEC - not because of their identities, but because of the many intersecting and overlapping obstacles, including increased risk of being rejected by their families, leaving then without shelter, basic resources, and/or crucial social support.
An Interview With a My Life My Choice Youth Leader
In April, My Life My Choice co-hosted the 6th Annual Beyond Exploitation Youth Summit Virtual Conference with our partners from the Suffolk County Children’s Advocacy Center, Roxbury YouthWorks, Boston GLASS, Boston Police Department, Boston Center for Youth and Families, and the Family Justice Center.
The Intersection of Sexual Assault and Child Abuse: CSEC Red Flags
Sexual assault and child abuse are deeply intertwined with the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Of the youth referred to My Life My Choice in 2020, 89% had a history of abuse or neglect. According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest, National Network (RAINN), child protective services in the U.S. confirms a claim of child sexual abuse every nine minutes.
Our Transformative Prevention Solution Fellowship Moves Into Its Second Year
The pandemic has disrupted countless aspects of society, resulting in perseverance and innovation, often on a grassroots level, that once seemed impossible. Approaches to preventing human trafficking are no exception. Incidence of trafficking has increased dramatically since March of 2020, as the world moved online, isolation increased, and mental health declined.
5 Resources for Learning More About the Historical Fetishization of Asian Women
The pandemic has disrupted countless aspects of society, resulting in perseverance and innovation, often on a grassroots level, that once seemed impossible. Approaches to preventing human trafficking are no exception. Incidence of trafficking has increased dramatically since March of 2020, as the world moved online, isolation increased, and mental health declined.
3 Resources for Learning More About Race and CSEC
As February comes to a close, we want to continue providing resources and recommendations to help people learn, understand, and take action on the commercial sexual exploitation of children. While awareness is the first step in the journey of progress, actively continuing your efforts and learning more details and information is key to being an ally and making change.
5 Important Books on Commercial Sexual Exploitation to Read and Pass Along
As Human Trafficking Awareness Month comes to an end, it is critical that the focused attention, learning and actions taken this month don’t stop. “Awareness” months are fleeting, but the fight to end this egregious form of abuse rages on every day.
Actions Speak Louder than Awareness
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Being aware that people are being bought and sold in your community is step one, step two is understanding that the commercial sex industry is rooted in racism, sexism, classism, and gender-based violence, step three is doing something about it. This is where we come in.
Community Voices: Jacquelyn Redmond
“The world needs us each to do our part…” Hear from Advisory Board Member, Host Committee Chair, and Peer Fundraiser Jacquelyn Redmond about what it means to her to be a part of the My Life My Choice community.
At My Life My Choice
This is who we are. This is what we believe. We stand in solidarity, and in strength, with our Black sisters and brothers. #BlackLivesMatter