Our signature annual event.
Every spring at our Turn on the Light event, we unite as a community and reflect on the progress we are making together in the fight to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children and shed light on the work still ahead. We honor those who have positively impacted the field locally and nationally, and celebrate the hard work of all our partners and allies. This powerful night allows us to raise vital funds needed to support our programming and the young people we care about so much.
About the night
When: June 12, 2025 | 6:30 – 10pm
Where: New location to be announced soon. We look forward to celebrating with you!
What: The night begins with a cocktail reception where dinner will be served followed by a powerful program with guest speakers
Beacon of Light Honoree: This is a very special year as we will be honoring our Co-Founder and former Co-Executive Director, Lisa Goldblatt Grace
Cost: $250
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
This Year's Honoree
At our 2025 Turn on the Light event, we will be celebrating our incredible Co-Founder Lisa Goldblatt Grace who led My Life My Choice for 22 years. Each year, we typically honor one local and one national leader who has made an impact in the fight to end exploitation. Past years have included notable figures from U.S. Attorneys to filmmakers to prominent survivor-advocates. Lisa is a pioneer locally and nationally and we are thrilled to recognize her work and legacy in this way.
Become a Sponsor
Take a stand against commercial sexual exploitation while showing your support of the great work done by My Life My Choice. Sponsorships for individuals and businesses are available. Sponsorship dollars are put to use right away to support efforts to disrupt, prevent, and end the commercial sexual exploitation of children while strengthening our community or supporters.
Become an Illuminator
Illuminators are volunteers who raise critical funds for My Life My Choice by creating and sharing their own fundraising pages. By leveraging your network in this way, not only are you having a greater impact on the mentees we serve, but you are helping grow the movement to end this egregious form of child abuse.

Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please fill out the form below and email Cailyn Carr, Development Manager, at ccarr@jri.org.
A package of ten event tickets with premier seating.
Table sponsorship logo display in reception area.
Logo placement on napkins at the event.
Verbal acknowledgment during event program.
Premier logo display on event slideshow and in printed event materials.
Premier logo display on Turn on the Light webpage.
Dedicated promotion via My Life My Choice social media (27,000+ followers).
Listing by sponsor level in two email communications a month.
Logo placement on Turn on the Light invitation.*
Listing by sponsor level in two email communications a month.
Private half-day of CSEC training for up to fifty staff.
A package of ten event tickets with premier seating.
Table sponsorship logo display in reception area.
Verbal acknowledgment during event program.
Logo display on event slideshow and in printed event materials.
Logo display on Turn on the Light webpage.
Dedicated promotion via My Life My Choice social media (27,000+ followers).
Listing by sponsor level in two email communications a month.
Logo placement on Turn on the Light invitation.*
Half-day of CSEC training for twenty staff.
A package of ten event tickets.
Verbal acknowledgment during event program.
Logo display on event slideshow and in printed event materials.
Logo display on Turn on the Light webpage.
Dedicated promotion via My Life My Choice social media (27,000+ followers).
Listing by sponsor level in two email communications a month.
Logo placement on Turn on the Light invitation.*
Sixty-minute Lunch and Learn for staff.
A package of ten event tickets.
Acknowledgment during event program.
Name listed on event slideshow and in printed event materials.
Name listed on Turn on the Light webpage.
Promotion via My Life My Choice social media (27,000+ followers).
Listing by sponsor level in two email communications a month.
Name placement on Turn on the Light invitation.*
A package of five event tickets.
Acknowledgment during event program.
Name listed on event slideshow and in printed event materials.
Name listed on Turn on the Light webpage.
Promotion via My Life My Choice social media (27,000+ followers).
Listing by sponsor level in two email communications a month.
Name placement on Turn on the Light invitation.*
A package of five event tickets.
Name listed on event slideshow and in printed event materials.
Name listed on Turn on the Light webpage.
Promotion via My Life My Choice social media (27,000+ followers).
Listing by sponsor level in two email communications a month.
A package of four event tickets.
Name listed on event slideshow and in printed event materials.
Name listed on Turn on the Light webpage.
Promotion via My Life My Choice social media (27,000+ followers).
Listing by sponsor level in two email communications a month.
*Must pledge by March 28, 2025 in order to be included in the printed invitation.
Confirmation of, and guest names for, complimentary tickets are due by May 30.
Become an Illuminator
Illuminators play a vital role in helping us reach our fundraising goals while also raising awareness about the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Illuminators help ensure that My Life My Choice has the staffing and resources needed to support young people referred to our programs through our prevention, training, and advocacy work. Our unique continuum of survivor-led programs change the trajectory of lives. Fundraise as an individual or team up with your friends, family, or colleagues to ignite your impact!
Upcoming Illuminator Events
April 2, 2025 | 5:30 - 7:30pm
My Life My Choice office
Join us for an inspiring evening to kick off Spring with purpose and passion. We invite you to come meet our new Program Director, learn about the power of collective action, and discover how your efforts can drive lasting change.
March 18, 2025 | 6:30 - 7:30pm
If you can’t make it on April 2, or if you’re fired up to get started sooner, join us virtually on March 18 at 6:30pm for a pre-kickoff power hour! Please register in advance for this meeting in order to receive the Zoom link.
Our Sponsors