Actions Speak Louder than Awareness
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Being aware that people are being bought and sold in your community is step one. Step two is understanding that the commercial sex industry is rooted in racism, sexism, classism, and gender-based violence. Step three is doing something about it. This is where we come in.
My Life My Choice is a survivor-led pioneer in the fight to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children. It is our fervent conviction that no one should be bought or sold. We are proud to serve as a model for communities across the country, set on changing not only lives, but the structural inequities that give rise to trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Our continuum of services spans exploitation prevention, survivor-led mentoring and intensive case management for young victims, and introductory through advanced level trainings for youth-serving professionals, community members, and law enforcement. This continuum, while comprehensive, is just the tip of the iceberg.
To upend the commercial sex industry which targets the most vulnerable in our communities, we must change the norms and systems that allow this insidious crime to bourgeon and address the root causes that put girls, and in particular, girls of color, at disproportionate risk. Actions speak louder than awareness—here are some things you can do:
1) Help decrease “demand” for the commercial sex industry to exist.
Learn about the harms of our current porn culture and how to talk to boys.
Speak up against degrading jokes and exploitive behavior.
2) Use your skills, time, and resources to also address the underlying issues that make people vulnerable.
Learn about racial disparities in the sex trade—and then commit to working toward greater equity and equality in our communities.
Become a Big Sister or Big Brother—anytime you invest your time in a vulnerable young person, you are doing trafficking prevention.
Address food insecurity—ensuring that basic needs are met reduces the risk that an exploiter will prey on these vulnerabilities.
Take a stand against gender-based violence—while any young person can be exploited, we must not lose sight that this is a form of gender-based violence.
Support services for the LGBTQ+ community—knowing that young people who identify as LGBTQ+ are at greater risk, work to create safe havens and push back against homophobic and transphobic rhetoric and policies.
3) Get trained on the commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Understanding and Responding to Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (Introductory)
Advanced Clinical Training: Developing Skills and Strategies for Support Exploited Youth (Advanced)
4) Take a stand against the commercial sex industry as a whole—vulnerable children become vulnerable adults.
Support the Equality Model and work toward a world where exploited people are never criminalized but the men who harm them are held accountable.
Check out and support these great Massachusetts-based survivor-led organizations serving adults: LIFT and the EVA Center.
Sign up for a webinar series by World Without Exploitation.
5) Listen to survivors—amplify survivor voices and real experiences—not conspiracy theories.
Watch State of My Life My Choice: Supporting Exploited Youth in Today’s Climate.
Be an effective, compassionate, and informed ally. Learn from one of our greatest allies here.
Read about the dangers of conspiracy theories to the real victims.
Follow My Life My Choice and other survivor-led organizations on social media and share, share, share!
Together we can make a real impact. 2021 should be a time of progress and change—let’s include combatting commercial sexual exploitation in the revolution.