3 Resources for Learning More About Race and CSEC
As February comes to a close, we want to continue providing resources and recommendations to help people learn, understand, and take action on the commercial sexual exploitation of children. While awareness is the first step in the journey of progress, actively continuing your efforts and learning more details and information is key to being an ally and making change.
Here are three resources we recommend, to learn more about the disproportionate rate at which black and brown youth are sexually exploited and trafficked:
Rights 4 Girls: Domestic Child Sex Trafficking and Black Girls – This piece is a fact sheet created by Washington D.C. based organization, Rights4Girls, who work to make the lives of young women and girls a human rights priority.
https://rights4girls.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/r4g/2019/05/Black-Girls-DCST-May-2019-1.pdfGabrielle Union: How Gender and Racial Disparities in Human Trafficking Affect Women and Girls of Color - Written by actress Gabrielle Union for Essence Magazine, this article not only displays facts, but Union also touches on how juvenile records and the incarceration cycle affects young black and brown girls.
https://www.essence.com/culture/gabrielle-union-op-ed-human-trafficking-women-girls-color/Polaris Project: Racial Disparities, COVID-19, and Human Trafficking – This piece by Polaris Project touches on data collection, historical systemic racism, poverty, and how these aspects are affecting black and brown girls at risk of commercial sexual exploitation.
We hope you will join us again at the end of March and commit to caring about issues beyond their “assigned month.”