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Engaging Sexually Exploited Youth in Conversations About Sexual Health

One-day Training in collaboration with Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

June 22, 2023
10:00a - 4:30p EST

The extreme trauma commercially sexually exploited youth experience can impact their ability to build healthy relationships and exercise their bodily autonomy within intimate relationships. My Life My Choice and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts have combined their expertise in commercial sexual exploitation of children and sexuality education to create an evidence-, trauma-, and survivor-informed one-day training. Designed to help a wide range of youth service providers use intentional and inclusive language to begin conversations with young people about sex and sexuality that reflects the realities of their lives. 

June 12

Skills and Strategies for Providing Effective, Trauma-Informed Services to Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

December 12

From App to Exploitation: Commercial Sexual Exploitation in the Digital Space