Strength of one.
Power of all.

Ending exploitation.

My Life My Choice’s fervent conviction is that no person should be bought or sold. It is our daily fight — our strategic and urgent endeavor. Our holistic, battle-tested approach is grounded in survivor experiences of those who have lived the ugly realities of exploitation and come back fierce, wise, and strong. We serve as a model for communities across the country set on changing not only lives, but the structural inequities that give rise to trafficking and sexual exploitation. We know that every survivor’s story comes from a place of strength. And ultimately, it is that strength that powers a better future for us all.

Social justice. Not just social services.

The young people served by My Life My Choice, on average, are first exploited in the sex industry at 14 years old. They are disproportionately girls of color, LGBTQIA+ youth, and youth involved in the child welfare system. Commercial sexual exploitation is an egregious form of child abuse. This doesn’t just happen in someone else’s neighborhood. It happens in our neighborhood. In every neighborhood. Our work is to end this violence and injustice once and for all.


Twenty years strong.

As My Life My Choice enters its 22nd year, our resolve is as fierce as ever. The strength and grit of each survivor inspires and drives our mission forward every day. Watch our video to see how the strength of one powers us all.

New at My Life My Choice

  • Brand New Course for Therapists

    We could not be more excited to announce the launch of our much anticipated Survivor-Centered Approaches To Treating Complex Trauma: A Training for Mental Health Care Providers. This certificate program is designed for mental health care providers working with youth and young adults who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation (CSE).

  • Join Our Team

    We have several exciting opporunties to joiner dynamic, survivor-led team! If you are interested in these or a future position not listed above, follow the button below.

  • My Life My Choice Featured in The Boston Globe

    Read this powerfully written piece on our work to pass the Sex Trade Survivors Act. “It would codify into law what we know about who should be held accountable for this crime — the buyers and brothel owners. Not the people in the sex trade.” - Lisa Goldblatt Grace

Join the fight.
We’re stronger together.